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Project: One Bed for Three (Part 4)

Today I began making the bed linens. Firstly I wanted to make some fitted sheets and pillows and began by selecting a pretty lightweight cotton.

After cutting my pieces to size, I made the pillow cases. Then rather than making the fitted sheet like one would for a real bed, I simply drew around a glass to curve the corners. 

I turned over approximately 1cm around the outside and ironed it down, before stitching it to make a casing for the elastic. Then I inserted 5mm elastic and pulled it up so it fitted nicely over the mattress.

I tossed up the idea of making flat sheets with blankets or duvets. I settled on the duvets.

This photo was taken before I added the decals, so you'll deduce I didn't do everything in the order as posted. Also, thanks again to Jodi, I shall be using Tacky Wax to hold the duvets in position when I take my next lot of photos.


  1. The bedding came out so adorably, Sandi! I love how your fitted sheets look so real! I have major sewing envy! ๐Ÿ’š Just look at your perfect seams! Dreamy! ๐Ÿ˜ I also love both fabrics you chose for the duvets - they remind me of Penny Morrison who I love madly. The bunkbeds are not only absolutely perfect for the girls, they are inspirational! I think you may have just started a trend with these! โญโญโญโญโญ

    1. I'm reasonably happy with them Jodi and I thank you for your comments, but honestly they probably look better in the photos than they actually are . . . I sewed them by hand. ๐Ÿคจ I have had that fabric sitting in my stash for so long I have no idea who it's by, but it definitely not one of hers. It could be a Tilda or a Penny Rose, I know I bought a lot of those, wherever it came from, it worked out just right for the kids room. ๐Ÿ˜

  2. It turned out perfectly! It must be bliss to sleep in such a beautiful bed!

    1. Thank you so much Chiriann, but it's far from perfect I assure you. However, I am happy with it for now. When I get time I'll remake the duvets the way Jodi did hers, then I'll be able tuck the ends in. ๐Ÿ˜˜


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