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Project: One Bed for Three (Part 3)

The next step was to make the mattresses. Following Jodi's instructions which she used to make Roz's mattress, but modified to my own requirements.

I used three layers of 5mm foam core glued together, then three layers of Minijumbuk Nu-Wool Quilt Wading on top of that, because I didn't have any batting. Before gluing the wadding layers to the foam core, I pre-drilled a series of holes as Jodi had done, for later tufting.

Next I covered the mattress with fabric. I didn't have any ticking in my stash, but I did have this pretty pink stripe which I thought would look okay.

After sewing the tufts, I made a bottom cover with cardstock. I didn't add and strip around the outside as Jodi did, because the mattress didn't appear to need it. It would also have made it difficult to add the fitted sheet and still have it sit comfortably in the bunk.

A big thanks go to Jodi for her inspiration and generous spirit, she made this project a whole lot simpler for me. 


  1. This looks so real, great work!

    1. Thanks Mia, they do look pretty real, but that's all thanks to Jodi. 😊

  2. I am so happy to have been of help, Sandi, and your mattresses came out beautifully! I love the pink stripe fabric and I bet the girls do, too! Why is it whenever I see a comfy looking mattress I start to crave a nap...

    1. Thanks Jodi, I couldn't have done it without you. 😘 I'm pleased and so are the girls, although not all of them are fans of pink. Oh I know the feeling, especially around three in the afternoon.

  3. Love this! It really looks great! My mum made a bed, out of popsicle sticks, with mattresses to my doll house. Still have that bed.

    1. Thank you Niina. Oh how wonderful, you must share some photos when you get a chance. 😘
