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Project: Off With Their Heads

For quite some time I have wanted to provide one of my dolls with a new body, but I have been very wary about doing so, though I don't really know why. I guess it all seemed a little daunting.

However, after completing the task, I'm feeling quite silly for not trying to do it sooner. It was simply a case of using my Parlux 385 on high for a few seconds, aiming it around the base of the head and then giving the body a good tug. Putting the new head on was even simpler, just poke the body in the hole in the head.

Now my first edition Monst Savage doll "White Cat" with the lovely head of hair, pretty eyes and a really stiff body which looked like this ~

Looks like this, she can even balance on one leg (not really I don't have the patience to get her to do that) but she can do it with one foot on tippy toe.

I love these new Monst bodies so much, I decided to give my IxDoll girls a go and managed to get them bodiless in no time. 

The poor sweet things will have to wait a couple of weeks for their new bodies to arrive, then I'll have a set of five Monst bodied dolls.


  1. Oh me too Linda. I'm looking forward to seeing both my IxDolls with new bodies. They may well fit into my new dioramas too. :)

  2. Oh, you have one of the white haired girls! I've been searching for them but I guess they are sold out. She is very cute, and I am glad the swap went well.

    1. Yes, Mia they are sold out. You may find one on the secondary market though because the bodies on the first edition was crap compared to the current body. I'm just pleased I finally got the courage to change it. :)

  3. I've only changed Barbies bodies and heads, but at the very beginning I was scared as well, that something will go wrong and I'll ruin the doll. Nothing like that happened and now I'm often switching the heads. Not enough mtm bodies, as always...
    Your White Cat doll is absolutely cute :)

    1. I guess we all get a little daunted about trying something new. :) Thank you Chiriann, she needs more clothes though.

  4. Oh, these white haired girl is absolutely gorgeous! And she definitely needed a body change.

    1. It's all done, and it was easier than I thought. :)
