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I purchase this dragon from the Mushroom Pedder and named him Singe. He is made of white resin and arrived with a pair of eyes and spare Gargoyle head on 31st July, 2013. I really need to paint this little guy as I think he suits the story I have written for him.

I chose this name as he is a dragon with very little fire in his breath, a kindly dragon who can only emit a slight scorching, as if gassing a weft of fabric with flame. He was the smallest egg in the clutch and when he emerged from his egg he was only a tiny wee dragon. Under normal circumstances, he probably wouldn't have made it to the age he is now, but his mother loved him so much, she gently nurtured him until he reached an age where he was able to fend for himself.

Singe grew to be a confident dragon, despite being bullied by the other young dragons. Being small and constantly ridiculed by his peers, could have quite easily made him feel forlorn and humiliated. Nevertheless, his courage and enormous strength of character, helped him to remain very positive and retain his soft caring nature.

He became very friendly with all the other creatures that lived in the forest near by and would visit them often. Sometimes, during the cold winter months, when the twigs needed to start a fire were damp with rain, he would huff and puff until he could raise enough flame to dry the twigs and get a campfire burning for his forest friends. Actually, if it wasn't for Singe, most of them would have suffered the most terrible frost bite.

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