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It was February 2008, when I accidently came across a little cutie and although it was love at first sight, my purse was relieved that this one's pre-order date had been and gone.

Then out of the blue one became available on the USA secondary market, but the lass had not received the doll as yet. I made enquiries and with her help we arranged for the doll to come to me straight from the artist Liz Frost.


The doll (which Liz had named Finn or Fifi depending whether it was a boy or girl) came to me quite naked, but with eyes and face up. At first I dressed her as a modern miss with red hair.

However, I kept thinking this cheeky little face would make a perfect Miss Fifi Muffet, who would sit prettily on a tuffet ~ which for those who don't know, is a foot stool or low seat and was something I could easily make myself. I changed her wig and low and behold.

My imagination had already painted a picture in my mind, but now I could see her in a pretty bonnet, wearing a dress of white broderie anglaise, with bloomers peeking below. But after digging through my stash and playing around with patterns this is how she turned out.

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