I fell for this Doll Zone face as soon as I saw it for sale on Den of Angels. Her head came with the face-up and 16mm blue eyes (which I am not terribly fond of) on the 9th June, 2016.
It took me quite some time to find a body, finally I settled on an Impldoll 46cm Young Girl Body, which arrived the 6th October, 2016.
Doll Measurements of the YGB (in blue) compared to DZ
Height (including head): 46cm / 58 cm
Head size: 19 cm
Neck size: 7 cm / 7.1 cm
Shoulder width: 9.5 cm / 9 cm
Shoulder to wrist: 13 cm / Arm length: 16.5 cm
Chest size: 21.5 cm / 23.5 cm
Waist size: 14.5 cm / 15.8 cm
Hip size: 19.5 cm / 25.5 cm
Leg length: 24 cm / 33.5 cm
Thigh size: 10.5 cm / 15 cm
Foot length: 5.8 cm / 7 cm
Foot width: 2 cm / 2.5 cm
As you can see by the measurements the YGB is much shorter and slimmer, but strangely enough, the head doesn't look out of place or too large for the body.
She is far from finished, I had full intentions of making her into a steampunk girl, with the name Verity Delamore-Larkin. However, all I have managed to do to date, is make her hat and provide her with a wig!
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