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Aubrey (Hannah Redhead)

Another face by Hildegard Günzel is that of Hannah. Although she is easily one of the most beautiful play dolls offered by Götz, I have never been fond of playing with her as she was crafted with a slight bend in one knee. Although some owners feel this allows her a more lifelike, dynamic stance, she is more difficult to stand and balance due to this asymmetry and I find this very frustrating.

The first Hannah I purchased was Hannah and her Dog (2016), she arrived 22nd March, 2017. She has beautiful hair and deep brown eyes, which I might add are often difficult t photograph. I was going to keep her name, however, I already had a doll with that name so I chose Aubrey.

Below, she is showing off some new clothes I made for her. At the time, I made several of these outfits in different colours for all my Gotz dolls to share.

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